Best Teaching Podcasts (Page 27)

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    The oceans are mysterious, dangerous and largely unexplored, yet they are central to the habitability of life on Earth. Many natural phenomena that occur throughout the world's oceans and seafloor also occur in, on, and above the Juan de Fuca tectonic plate, which sits just off our coast. Scientists with the National Science Foundation's Ocean Observatories Initiative will use a planned underwater research observatory associated with the plate to investigate such global processes as major ocean currents, active earthquake zones, creation of new seafloor, and rich environments of marine plants and animals in an effort to explore and better understand this last frontier on Earth. UW Professor of Oceanography John Delaney leads this regional effort.

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    As Waikato matures, te reo is playing a larger part in University life. Our Māori heritage, location and partnerships with Māori set us apart at Waikato.

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    TOKYO x YOU(日本語-Japanese,English-英語,Chinese-中国語) 明治大学の中国人学生の奮闘をとおして、大学の楽しさ、必要さを感じ取っていただけると思います。

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    Itunes UTeaching


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    Learn more about clickers in the science classroom here, and at:

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    Odontología Integrada.

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    The National Governor's Association (NGA) Systemic STEM School Redesign grant program was designed provide support for the redesign of K-12 education through STEM initiatives. Awards were made in January, 2008 to twelve "STEM cohort schools" that integrated revised Minnesota math standards into a new or existing course(s) or series of linked learning opportunities so that all students discover, explore, and or solve real-life problems through the integration of science, technology, engineering and mathematics content. Models focused on rigor and relevance to ensure that every student is STEM-literate upon graduation from high school, and that a greater number of students move onto postsecondary education or advanced training in STEM-related fields. Seven of these schools, Stillwater, Spring Grove, Mahtomedi, Cloquet, Shakopee, Lake City, and Moorhead reflected upon the change in their schools two years after the award. This is their story.

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    Physiotherapy, Rehab and Occupational Therapy, Kiwiana, Rock N Roll Dancing, Kapa Haka, Earthquakes, Floods, Improvised Theater, Shakespeare

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    National Professional Standard for Principals

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    3. Osnabrücker Wissensforum in Kooperation zwischen der Neuen Osnabrücker Zeitung und der Universität Osnabrück.»Zukunft. Fragen. Antworten« unter diesem Titel lud die Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung und die Universität Osnabrück am Freitag, 12. November, zu dem 3. Osnabrücker Wissensforum ein. Professorinnen und Professoren bezogen in 4-Minuten-Statements wissenschaftlich Stellung zu den Zukunftsfragen, die die Bürgerinnen und Bürger Osnabrücks bewegen. Ergebnis ist eine dreistündige Reise durch die Fächer und Fachbereiche der Universität, die zeigt, wie bunt und spannend Hochschule sein kann.

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    HTMi Hospitality Finance in International Hotel and Tourism Management

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    These podcasts are made available to you by the University of Waikato

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    Shaping Mennonite Higher Education for the Twenty First Century

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    Indicators and MDGs

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    Presentació d’aplicacions per a tablets per a infants amb autismeEl passat 15 de maig es va realitzar, a la Facultat de Psicologia, Ciències de l’Educació i de l’Esport, una sessió de presentació d’aplicacions per a infants amb autisme i TEA. Es tractava d’aplicacions per a tablets que promouen el joc, la comunicació el llenguatge.Amb una aula plena d’estudiants, professors i professionals dedicats a l’educació especial i a lalogopèdiaLa sessió va iniciar-se amb una exposició per part del sr. Francesc Sistach en la que va situar les característiques dels dispositius i de les tipologies d’aplicacions disponibles tant les de lliure accés com les de pagament. Al final de la seva exposició, ens va presentar una aplicació de la seva creació, Happy Geese. Es tracta d’un atractiu joc de la oca, perfectament adaptable als interessos i capacitats dels infant.A continuació, el sr. Josep Martínez va presentar l’aplicació anomenada Baluh, que permet la generació i emissió d’expressions concatenades de veu a partir de seqüències de pictogrames. Vam poder comprovar la gran qualitat del sistema, la seva versatilitat adaptabilitat a noves situacions comunicatives.Per finalitzar, el sr. Víctor Rodríguez, exalumne de logopèdia i psicologia de la facultat, va presentar l’aplicació Abaplanet. Derivada dels principis teòrics i d’intervenció de la Fundació Planeta Imaginario, es tracta d’una aplicació per a l’entrenament llenguatge receptiu i d’aparellament generalitzable que permet tenir en compte la velocitat d’aprenentatge de cada nen.La sessió va respondre a les expectatives dels assistents i dels ponents i va posar de manifest les grans possibilitats dels dispositius portàtils tàctils i la necessitat de donar-los a conèixer i aprofundir en el seu ús en els contexts professionals i familiars. Pensem que en el futur, aquesta pot ser una proposta de formació per a professionals i estudiants de logopèdia i educació inclusiva.

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    At HEC, we believe that leadership can be taught. The HEC MBA program places leadership development at the core of the curriculum and all our activities. HEC students come away from the experience with enhanced self-awareness and greater confidence in their ability to become the leaders of some of the world’s most powerful organizations.Each year we organize a “Visions of Leadership (VoL) week” where our participants can discuss with leaders from all over the world to share their leadership experience. The week is structured around a series of interactive Q&A style conferences as well as workshops based on live case studies to work on the notion of Acts of leadership. As the result, our approach to graduate management education aims to enhance leadership skills so HEC MBAs can face the challenges and responsibilities they are to meet upon graduate and thought the international careers.From March 22nd to 26th, we will receive not only business leaders such as Ferdinando “Nani” Beccalli-Falco, President & CEO of GE International, Henri de Castries, Chairman of the Management board of AXA, but also Charles Rivkin, US Ambassador to France & Monaco and sports leaders such as Guillaume Raoux, former professional tennis player, and Ugo Mola, Chief coach of the rugby team CA Brive.

    Itunes UTeachingBusiness


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    About the Nanyang AwardsThe Nanyang Awards are given in recognition and celebration of the outstanding achievements and contributions of faculty, staff and students. The prestigious Awards were launched in 2005.Recipients of Nanyang Awards will receive a Trophy, a Certificate of Commendation and Cash. Where the recipient is a team, each member of the team will receive a Certificate of Commendation. The cash portion of the Award will be shared among the team members.With effect from Nanyang Awards 2010, the Nanyang Award for Research & Innovation is separated into 2 individual awards, namely Nanyang Award for Research Excellence and Nanyang Award for Innovation & Entrepreneurship. For the Nanyang Award for Research Excellence and Nanyang Award for Innovation & Entrepreneurship, recipients will also receive a Research/Entrepreneurship Grant which is to be used in the following year and shared by the team members, if applicable.The design of the Trophy is inspired by the outspread wings of an eagle in flight. The majesty, grace and power of the soaring eagle represent our desire to fulfill our mission in a borderless domain. The award symbolizes a deep sense of passion and a single-minded resolve to overcome obstacles and achieve excellence.Categories of AwardsNanyang Award for Excellence in TeachingTo give the highest recognition to individual faculty who have exhibited excellent teaching practice and enriched the learning experiences of their students through their enthusiasm, care and close rapport.(Note: This Award was formerly known as the "Teacher of the Year Award", which started in 1994 and was presented annually by the President of the University. It was subsumed under the Nanyang Awards in 2006.)Nanyang Award for Research ExcellenceTo give the highest recognition to individuals or teams who have made outstanding contributions in scientific knowledge on a global scale through novel research breakthroughsNanyang Award for Innovation & EntrepreneurshipTo give the highest recognition to individuals or teams who have made significant contributions to the creation of a vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystem at NTU, and contributed to Singapore’s economic and national development through the creation of entrepreneurial leaders and new business ventures.Nanyang Award for ServiceTo give the highest recognition to individuals and teams whose outstanding contributions exemplify the high standards of quality service expected by the University.Nanyang Award for TeamworkTo give the highest recognition to teams whose outstanding teamwork in a major University project or event brought success and honour to the University.Nanyang Award for Humanitarian WorkTo give the highest recognition to individuals and teams who displayed outstanding personal qualities of compassion and sacrifice in helping to advance the welfare of others within the University community and beyond. Nanyang Award for Meritorious AchievementTo give the highest recognition to former employees who have made outstanding contributions of a long-term nature which enabled the University to achieve significant milestones in its academic and administrative excellence journey.

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    This series showcases some of the introductory lectures and talks that took place during the 2009's Open Day.

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    The Queen Margaret Professorial Lectures offer fresh angles on topics of relevance and are designed to appeal to a wide audience.

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    Swinburne University of Technology offers many creative courses at both the undergraduate and postgraduate level, including Film and Television, Multimedia, Communications Studies and Circus Arts. Here we highlight some of the remarkable work produced by our students at all stages during their degrees.

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    These video segments are from a KET series offering instruction for skills covered on high school equivalency tests like the GED® test, HiSET and TASC. KET also has an enrollment program for Kentucky adults that need to study for their GED® diploma. For more information visit or call 1-800-538-4433.

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    This is the daily Academic Calendar for Rockhurst High School.

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    UWG|Online Faculty Development

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    El profesor Chrales Ryan imparte una conferencia sobre algunas de las aptitudes y técnicas a utilizar dentro de la actividad docente de cara al nuevo modelo de docencia universitario que trae consigo el EEES.

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    Anlässlich des Besuchs von Wissenschaftsstaatssekretär Peter Hauptmann am 19.10.2010 stellte das Centre for e-Learning Technology einige seiner Labs vor. Ziel der Veranstaltung war es, die Aufgaben und Planungen von CeLTech näherzubringen. Neben der Begrüßung durch Prof. Dr. Dr. Wolfgang Wahlster (DFKI) und Prof. Dr. Alexander Baumeister (Universität des Saarlandes) gaben PD Dr. Christoph Igel und Prof. Dr. Jörg Siekmann eine Einführung zum "State of Affairs". PD Dr. Erica Melis stellte das Lab „Intelligent e-Learning Technology“ vor, Prof. Dr. Frank Spinath gab einen Einblick in „Psychological Assessment Technology“, Dr. Roberta Sturm präsentierte ihr Lab „Applied e-Learning Technology“ und PD DR. Christoph Igel erläuterte, was sich hinter „eCampus Saar and e-Learning“ verbirgt. Zugleich wurde das im Aufbau befindliche gemeinsame Laboratory von CeLTech und der Shanghai Jiao Tong University (China) per Videokonferenz vorgestellt: Prof. Dr. Carsten Ullrich berichtete aus China zum Thema "e-Learning and Web2.0".

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